CyberThread dmcm team

Friday, 25 February 2011

Wednesday is a new day for digital marketing communications management (dmcm)!

This is just a quick summary of most interesting points that emerged at this week’s search and social school. Known also as #saschool11

The speakers of the day included guests from Media Vest, Lakestar, theEword, I-COM and PushOn.

The first lecture kicked off at 10a.m. with the Media Vest team with their take on what is new and hot this year in Search and Social Marketing. So what is going to be big this year?  Will CPC continue to rise, or will it be growth of display, or (yet again) will it be mobile marketing?
For me the most interesting question of that talk was whether ever so popular facebook will finally develop mobile ads in 2011, and also if anyone ever clicks on advertisements on fb?

The second lecture was led by Neil from Lakestar who introduced us to subject of how search marketers think about keywords. Neil familiarised us with many fantastic dmcm tools, which will help us to choose right key-phrases.  It was great to learn the difference between broad and exact matches, as this definitely impacts our digital marketing communications dmcm assignment.  The Long Tail, here we come!
Another great dmcm tip was introduction us to the Google Wonder Wheel and eBay pulse. Personally I’ve never heard about these two before, however I know how useful they are going to be for our dmcm strategy!

The third lecture was full of dmcm tips and information on how to optimise a page and a website. What an amazing lecture that was: we learned how to bathe a cat and something about cake baking!  Jokes aside, the three most important dmcm tips for web optimisation are:
·      Create lots of high quality content
o   Interesting and with an emphasis on key phrases + add videos
·      Links, and linking to relevant sites. It’s all about quality not quantity!
·      SEO: quality key phrases and quality links from other websites

Round two of the seschool 11 was opened by I-COM : Clair and Mindy.
Clair introduced us to the subject of implementing PPC. One of attendees called PPC a google mating pit, but to be honest I was surprised to learn how much thought and right timing have to be put in to create successful PPC campaign.

Mindy spoke about thr evolving relationship between search and social, and about how to integrate social media elements to a wider strategy. Once again this talk was full of great advice and definitely appreciated by all of the digital marketing communications management  students.

The learning part was wrapped up by Simon from PushOn who took a light hearted approach to what’s next in search, analytics and social…

And then was the networking session…..

It was my pleasure to attend and successfully graduate from saschool11. It only reinforced my view that it was a wise decision to study digital marketing communications management (dmcm) as a part of my course.

For those of you who are interested: remember to check out  SEO Infographics (Mindy used some of these). 


1 comment:

  1. This article is a great source of information, you Pictured the things really well. Keep it up and keep blogging.
